Monday, May 19, 2008

This Week's Menu

Menu planning is one of those things that I know makes a big difference for the better in my life. It helps me stay organized in the afternoon. It helps me save money. It helps me be much more effective in the grocery store. So many would think that it would be a part of my life....but alas it is something I think about each week but rarely do. Instead I find myself scurrying around at 5:00 to see what I have in the pantry and what I can throw together. This does not make for stress free, peaceful, healthy meals together and often results in a fast food run which really does not work with our budget! So imagine my excitement when I discovered and Menu Planning Mondays!!! I am jumping for joy! So here is my first go at Menu Planning blog style. Hopefully with the new found fellow menu planners and accountability, I will actually do this for more than one week!!! So here it is....this week's menu:

Monday: Goulash, Salad, Bread
Tuesday: Mexican Tacos, Chips and Guac
Wednesday: Rice and Chicken with Broccoli
Thursday: French Dip Sandwiches
Friday: Company 4 dinner! Grilled Pork Chops, Rice & Beans, Tostones
Saturday: Leftovers
Sunday: We're heading into the big city to see Prince Caspian and eat at the Genghis Grill!!! A celebration for the end of the school year!


Katrina said...

Sounds like a plan to me. I know exactly where you are coming from as that is how I quite often end up with kids wanting to know what is for tea and me still ferreting around in the freezer. That is why I have joined in here. Feel free to share some of the recipes on your blog and give some feed back on how it is going

Stephanie said...

We LOVE French Dip sandwiches! Luckily I can get 2-3 meals out of one preparation. I am sure that wouldn't happen with 3 boys in the house! The rest looks great too.

Stephanie said...

Thanks for the visit. Yes, we have geocaching, and LOVE it. My sister got us started with it in April 2006, and we are having a blast. We don't take a trip over here without having some cache info ready to go. We never get to do as many caches as we'd like, but we have fun. One cool thing here is that almost all of the caches are in/near significant places such as monuments, churches, parks, etc. They are not as random as I am used to in the US. I tell everyone about geocaching. :)

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